Thursday, December 23, 2010

So, I haven't posted in a very long time, now haven't I? Well, I'm kinda unmotivated and the usual things, but it doesn't matter 'cuz nobody really cares. |'D This is boring anyways. I can't produce decent art too, hurrgh. Christmas spirit, where have you gone? Ok, I've never felt the warmth of Christmas in the first place, I'm a sad and pathetic being, boohoo.

Ok, enough crying, let's show some GE stuff.

So, I discovered this thing called a 'Shimeji', to be short, it's a mascot which rushes around your desktop, climbs up the screen and clings to the edges of programs. (Somehow it only clings only to the edges of the internet window)
Since my latest obsession is the webcomic Homestuck (Seriously guys, google it and read it, it's AWESOME) my Shimeji is a character from homestuck. :D
And well, he seems to like Bro, clingin' to him and all.
(If honest, sometimes those little adorable fuckers get annoying, when they keep breeding and reach critical numbers, sit on the chatbox or randomly FLY ACROSS THE WHOLE SCREEN AND SCARE ME SHITLESS. Yeah, but darn cute.)

No idea what the hell I was trying to accomplish.

That must hurt. :D Oh Grassi.

This screen gave me an idea...
Bro disapproves of (shittily drawn) headwings.

The perfect crime.

Cooldudes chillin. B)

Victoryy! Oliface got disconnected, but it wasn't that much of a tragedy, all I got was a 84 chip anyways. xD


Tempting. Of course Grassi proceeded to speed-gop it. :D

Danny likes shiny lights. @u@


Edu, you silly goose. You can't just wave your rapier of love like that, of course you'd attract people. I:

Fun story - I wanted to derp around with views, I zoomed out... and suddenly:


That is all

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