Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who is this red haired fellow?

Hello guttersluts and bubblebutts! /what Artie is back to tell stories.

Can you see what's wrong with this?

And now? (Hint: It's not Danny being afraid like a bitch)

Lookit! (I hope it's not too dark, I can't see it very well myself)
Two Motheins in Assize... I went there and Chrysalis was there, I noticed champs... buut... only mid-beating I noticed that something's Apocalypsing me... In the end I had to beat two Motheins! (And a bunch of champs which bothered poor Mii bby)
But it wasn't too much of a bother! More stuff for me. :DDD

These cocos sure are talkative. What are they chirping about?

Who are these fellows?
Okay, let's stop being silly. Say hi to Glassi.
Well, um, I went to Orpesia because I felt like noobing around and made a family. (I am Vordhosbn, lol)
My scout is MrGaga and my wizard is ElLoco. :T Had an ele SirHobo before he got switched with Gracielo (Cukurdupsis, which literally means "sugarbutt", yes,I am a very creative person)
Since I started liking this Grassi, I decided that he won't be no Grassi...
and so...

GLASSI was born! ^owo^ I made a new character on Illier, gasp, my first twin character!
Anyways, a little more on Glassi.
First of all, this color scheme will be changed because the white cloth looks like ass, I think I'm gonna keep this idea - his outfit will be based on the original costume, but with rounder shapes and softer colors. The green and blue spots will be kept, since it looks fancy. :T
His scar is just an X, it won't go all over his face, and yeah, two colored eyes, so fancy, hahaha /shot
A little more on him as a character:

Um, 'Glassi' sounds much sweeter than 'Grassi' so it's common sense that Glassi is pretty much a 'super sweet and nice' version of Grassi. He's an angel of some sorts with big, pretty wings. ouo Just like Helena and Edu (maybe somebody else I haven't thought of) he can fly.

He's not entirely a 'complete opposite' of Grassi, since Grassi is just a thug, not some demon thing whatever, even though he has wings (those wings have a story of their own which won't be explained here).
Anyways, Glassi is very polite and has good manners, tries to help everyone and is really charming, however he gets worked up over dirtiness. He doesn't like getting dirty, he doesn't like dirty jobs and he despises dirty places, which can be used as an advantage if you want to 'enslave' him for some cleaning work in your house.

Another 'quirk' is that when he's REALLY stressed out his speech stammers, though Glassi is very calm and isn't that easy to scare him to the point of stammering.
He isn't afraid of zombies or such thing like Grassi, he is generally confident even when facing really tough enemies.
The only thing that can make him worry is death, especially watching someone else die. Blood also makes him uncomfortable.

Maybe I should return to the 'angel' thing. You know, like Edu is a fairy who can hex people with his magical rapiers and Helena is some 'thing' that spreads coldness around (even though it's a bit more fitting than fairy Edu 'cause she's and ele after all) Glassi has his own 'uniqueness'.
As to explain how he 'traveled' all the way from another 'world' (server) I decided that he'd have the power to travel through space and time all he wants, but he doesn't 'use' this power since he understands the dangers of changing certain course of events if he'd happen to appear in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He's not really some sort of time/space angel anyways, he's more of a guardian angel who's only purpose in life is to find a loved one to die for. Sounds a bit eerie, but that's how it works. He can't really find harmony in his life or surroundings unless he finds somebody to be in harmony with.

Okay, this was the weirdest and dumbest piece of text I have written. HOW DID I EVEN COME UP WIT HALL OF THIS BULLSHIT, I'm probably gonna be embarrassed about this later. -hides face-

And now let's return to other things...

Grassi! With obscenities written besides him, 'cause he's OBSCENE and HARDCORE like that.


Annd, where is Mii there is a Helena too!

And let's end this with an Ira. ouo I dunno if he's gonna have those Chrysalis wings or no. I kinda made them look like regular demon wings 'cause I was drawing from memory, but I think since Ira's such a preppy boy, he'd prolly get himself sparkly wings because it's 'modern, cool and all the fancy kids have a pair'. But he won't be able to fly, he keeps it decorative.

Okay, now I'll shut up finally!

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