Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Red head vs Red head!

It's not like I almost finished her off. YOU'RE A SLOW BUTLER, HASN'T MONTORO TAUGHT YOU TO BE FAST AS LIGHTNING? Obviously no.

I could take out the '....' and it would become and exploitable image AND THEN WE COULD INVENT WHAT THAT BITCH WANTS TO SAY. Seriously, she should stop going 'dot dot dot'. Rude.

Well, um, stupidity aside, I went to get Raven. P: He's actually easier acquire than I thought, I mean you don't have to beat some asshole within a time limit.
I did the quest half pay way, half free way because I might be crazy enough to attempt collecting 2500 items just to see if it's that bad but I'm not crazy enough to hunt 100 perfect shinies from Reapers that drop them rarely.
My point is that the free Torsche remedy way isn't THAT BAD. Really. Everything up to Occulta can be AFKed, bonus points if you have a friend or some character that can spread out in large areas (Angie).

Moreza was pure AFK with three shooters because they kill the fastest and don't run around.

Consequences of leaving looter pet.

At first I used the same shooters for Mansion, but when I was at about 400 I realized Angie is a pretty cool dude too and I could get my Cathies to lvl 60.
You can put her turrets in spawn points so it's fine and dandy.
After getting 500 otite pieces I thought came the hard part - sitting in Bahamar underground cave.

Here's some Lloyd having fun


Grasi became one with a fish.
Anyways, Underground cave could be easily AFKed too, it's also good because the spawn is good.
I stayed for the night but due to dying and stuff I only reached 427 Corazon pieces, next day my friend sat there and I got to 500 quickly.

I thought Caebolan would be nasty, but my friend tagged along too and I think we managed to get those pieces shortly, I didn't count hours. Maybe more than 2.

Occulta was the hardest because only Elders dropped Rhodolite pieces and AFKing isn't as productive as active fighting also I'm not uber geared and have an expert so I have to watch my ass.
In the end - I succeeded.

So I now have a handsome butler in my house. T:

Overall the 2500 pieces took me about 2 days.
It's an adventure so if you're not lazy, try it! :D You can get some shinies from first two zones too!

This has been a Raven Quest review by Artie, toodles!

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