Saturday, August 22, 2015

GE: Fun With Friends

 Waiting in the BHG, Abakuks is terrorizing Enoby (Oli's and my Vincents). Dullie is standing tall. Included Milla's toons in the shot.

I once warped out of farm and was greeted with Letaniel, Oli's Kess. Then we posed around a bit. Cherlyn and Kess look pretty. Interpret this as you will

I'm pretty sure that is not a landscape... Well, she's a marksman, not an artist.

In other news I got up really early today and to some people that is a good thing but, eh, I had a bad headache which was not lifted with coffee. Maybe I should eat breakfast. I hope it's just a passing pain. My right foot is swollen and it has reached the stage where it's a bit hard to walk without a limp. For the past months the foot would randomly swell up, mostly it didn't bother me and didn't hurt so I ignored it. Now it swelled up a lot, problem is, I can't possibly sit all day on my ass, I have to move at least a little bit so I guess I am not resting it the right way. I also hate doctors so I'm just gonna pretend the problem will go away on its own volition.

At the same time I'm paranoid that maybe it's some sort of weird infection and it'll spread throughout my body, so the moment I get a headache I become wary. I googled what causes swelling, some things I could easily write off - pregnancy, excess weight (that would cause both limbs to swell most likely), but the scarier symptoms are lymphatic system infections or even kidney failure. Then again I'm not a doctor and google is not a medicine book so I hope it's nothing too serious. A headache could be a symptom of a brain tumor, so, there's that.
 I hate the doctors here, if I went to one they'd prolly give me a side eye and tell me to rest. I don't wanna rest! I already sit on my arse all day, I'm sad I can't work out properly because I'm scared on putting actual pressure on the foot. Maybe I can pray away the pain (sarcasm).

On a more positive note - I've finished collecting plants for my herbarium. I need identify some of them and sew the specimens onto paper and write proper labels. I hope I get a good mark, it is part of my field course grade and I got a stable 8 so far, if I get a good grade for the herbarium I have a chance of raising the grade to a 9, but then again I think my plants aren't super perfect. When you do something for the first time you're bound to make mistakes. Perhaps I shouldn't worry too much about grades, not sure if I can pretend for scholarship this semester. Far too many motivated and smart people in my course.
Gotta love how this post turned 50% game 50% life but I'm sure nobody minds.

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