Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I guess I will buy it after all : GW2

Guild Wars 2 is the sort of game I relapse in and out of regularly - similarly to Granado Espada. I might not be interested for months but then log in and play some. Especially with Living Story or seasonal events (but truth be told this year I managed to skip Wintersday...).

The new expansion pack, Path of Fire, actually reignited my interest in the game. I knew I'd buy it anyways as I would not want to "fall behind" other players but the previews looked genuinely fun. Real talk - I love how Elona looks, I love the aesthetic and design. I'm a sucker for deserts and oases (is that the plural for oasis? spell check says so), Guild Wars 1 wiki says Elona is based on Africa but it's giving me Egyptian/Middle Eastern vibes (I know Egypt is in Africa but it's not the same as Central Africa, you feel?)

I'm probably putting too much thought in that aspect, however.

Really excited for the mounts, especially the manta ray, I just love its design and colors. Since the premium pre-purchases have nothing related to mounts and the mounts themselves are game mechanics I suppose we won't get much diversity. Would be cool if mounts had cosmetic accessories or like "skins" - alternative skin/fur patterns. That'd be cute.

I even warmed up to the concept of a human god returning - though they better explain why Balthazar and where are the others. I guess we're having a shift from dragons to gods as the trailer implied - killing the dragons destroys the natural balance of the world so we can't do that but, oops, a god now wants to kill all dragons! Time to stop him. Time to punch a god in the face.

As a way to "prepare" for the new expansion pack I'm thinking of doing 100% with more characters. So far I only had Qayin for all the exploration but I feel like Kwin and Tobi also deserve some love since I actually like playing Mesmer and Thief. Ironically I'm most excited for the elementalist's elite specialization but I'll unlock most of them anyways. I haven't mastered some of current elite specs because I just don't play the class - guardians, warriors, rangers and engineers just aren't my cup of tea. Necromancer is fun but I'm trying to be realistic here - I can try to manage 3 characters, but 4? A little bit too tough.

Besides my necromancer, Rafflesius, is more of a "craft slave" - she's my tailor and makes armors and has her inventory loaded with crap. Same for my ranger who's a Huntsman/Leatherworker.

Speaking of crafting - only Qaying has an (almost) full set of ascended armor. Should work for Tobias first because leather might be easier than silk. I know everything needs silk but maybe the amount changes? I'm just not much of a grinder it seems. I mean, I don't have a single legendary weapon. My attention span is too short for that. Maybe I'll get a bifrost one day. Aiming low for gen-1 legendaries.

To sum this all up - I'll get the expansion pack, won't pay extra for it, will attempt filling out world map with other characters, might craft some stuff. 

Until September 22, I guess!

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