Sunday, April 3, 2011

Master scout, oh my!

Hip hip hooray! I did it, well, Danny did it! Let's congratulate him! This means...
Grassi you egoistical bitch! He doesn't want to share his special master place on the sidebar. :T
Don't worry Danny, we'll see how confident he'll be when he'll need your healing, muahaha

Oh, also as you see Danny is pretty much a ginger Doon. :T I hope that won't confuse anyone, since pretty much Danny is one of the rare GE character that I'm gonna base on my own OCs. (I never did that with Mii because neon pink hair would look terrible.) I think if scouts were pale ginger kids with heavy frecklage it'd look reall sweet, but that's my opinion... Anyways, here, have some screens!

I never get tired of using Abyss Flare. Boom!
Having fun with bunny ears in da caves! Also Grassi being a general creep...
Has anyone else ever wondered how do you get out of that small warp portal?
This is what happens when you deny squad - the person gets butthurt and lets in 3 Vesps. That was fun to kill it tho. :3
LOOKIT! All the barons! OAO And a Doon!
Grassi creys while Mii tries her best Blustering Chrysalis in Castilla.
Red Chrysalis whoop whoop! :D
Grassi, that's not how you wear the knuckle, I know you want something better, but please bear with this! Dumbass.
Grassi being a pussy magnet. :DDD
Annnd Panpan creepin on these guys shall end this post.

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