Monday, January 30, 2012

GE: Hard to be a chicken

 Sadly this isn't my Pisces. :C It was a glitched item.. Somebody else got it obviously. Man, I sure want some symbols! I will have more and more Experts and what are they without their stances? D:::
 Sometimes Danny's chicken legs are just not fast enough.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

GE: Snowfield Skeleton

Anyways, I decided to take some nubs to Katovic every Saturday to hunt for Cabbage + Apples so I can sell them. ' v' 
Last Saturday was weird since... The only mobs in Katovic were Eltetahs, Lazims, Elmorc and SOMETIMES a lone elite wolf or Elcino appeared. O_O Nothing else. Which was actually good ( even if 'twas a glitch) since I didn't need to use much hp pots!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

GE: Master Raven ^owo^

Today I finally mastered my dear Raven baby! uwu Now I can work on experting noobs. O: And getting better armor for Kra... Poor thing can't survive BHs very well. :T

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Text: Rebbie's memoirs #2

I used to love roast meat, until that day.

   Sometimes Raven gets these moments that he just has to make some sort of grand dinner as if we deserve it. Certainly nobody can stop him and you know, I don't mind either. As long as somebody who can cook wants to cook, I'm okay with.
   I am not good with remembering occasions but I think it was a Wednesday. Old man and I just had returned from a trip deep down and Raven was already preparing something. Smelled pretty good. As always, old man had to meddle in but Raven wouldn't let him ruin the good food. What did I do? Well... The usual. I just sat by the table and tried to cause as less trouble as possible while listening to old man's blabbering about things that didn't even happen. I hate his bragging habit but that'd deserve a completely different entry.
Dinner preparations took some time and I managed to empty a cookie box by that time, luckily my appetite was just as good as before. Finally we got to the good part. I helped set the food and other supplies and we began eating. Raven's food is delicious, I guess that's the reason I learned to accept him. Haha... 
Suddenly all hell broke loose.
   You know how in movies really weird shit can happen? This was just like IN THE MOVIES.
Apparently Raven found in his portion... a dead mouse. Those who don't know, Raven is pretty crazy about everything being perfect and he checks everything before work a gazillion times and the though of something not being perfect would send him into a dramatic frenzy. I am not poetic enough to express the things that happened after the discovery.
   Of course it was an overreaction but I am not the one to talk about overreacting. After his freak out Raven did the obvious - he trashed the whole dinner and ran to the basement to get some horrible rat poison.
What happened with us? Well... we had to empty the fridge on our own. Old man stuffed his face with mayo but I continued to eat cookies.
   You know what was strange? Raven didn't manage to find any mice. I guess he just got unlucky this time. Perhaps he already bought spoiled meat? Nasty. I am never trusting merchants ever, hell knows what things they stuff into the products they sell. Absolutely awful. 

The Amazing Rebellion's memoirs
The day when Raven proposed war to all rodents.