Tuesday, November 30, 2021

My art in 2021 : Misc

The year is slowly coming to a close and I already saw an artist post a template for a yearly art compilation. I will most likely do the compilation in January so I actually have art for December but I feel like writing about my feelings anyways. I've wanted to just lay out what I think about my progress and creativity this year for some while. Or just in general, sometimes I just want to talk about myself. 🤷

2021 was a steady continuation of what I started in 2020 - I drew primarily Warframe fanart and became more comfortable with drawing WF characters in general, worked on existing OCs and created some new ones. The year started out strong, at least I felt like the first months of 2021 were the most productive for me and lead to me doing more finished pieces. It was something I promised myself - less doodles and shitposts, more finished illustrations. Sometime in July I felt myself slowly slipping into an art block, with a little pick-me-up in October due to Tennotober (also took my yearly vacation so I had more time to draw in general). A full time job is my biggest enemy to productivity, that and my general depression induced lethargy. So I did return to more simple drawings, mostly in monochrome colors.

Simple doodles like this are a comfy way to convey less serious idea I don't wanna commit to fully. 😅

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Beetles for an Oni : Genshin Impact

Thought it would be appropriate to post some of my current thoughts about Genshin Impact.

Recently caught up with the new event, which also made me play through Albedo's story quest. I'm a bit of a sinner in that I am AR56 and have played for almost a year but haven't finished all the available stories... I still have Mona's, Eula's and maybe some more left to play. I am also slacking on the hangouts, only explored Diona's a bit. Let's just say I've become so ADHD I struggle to sit through an hour of dialogue and text. A bit of a shame, but oh well. At least I always have something to do! 😅

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Plutocracy : Warframe

I never know how to start a blog post so I will just go straight to the point.

This post is mostly my musings about Corpus society, partly substantiated with canon lore, partly extrapolation from whatever other crumbs we get.

A group of very serious men