Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sims 4: New year, new game, new impressions.

So, haven't updated this blog for about half a year. Now it's 2017. Needless to say I drifted off from Granado Espada again and sorta stopped having a reason to write in this blog. I'm mostly playing offline games now or watching play-throughs. Though sometime around the beginning of January I got into sims 4 - the game had a huge sale so I get the digital deluxe version for like 25 euros which was a catch for a 60/70 euro game.

Anyways! Nobody cares about pricing, everyone cares about the sims.
So far I've made three households, first was a random character for trying out. Then I downloaded some mods/custom content and made my OCs.
First family was my newer characters, Mikhail (Misha), Cecilia, Ben and Sebastian.

Misha is childish, mischievous and a slob. He is actually my favorite dude of the bunch because he turned out handsome and also because I love his goofy personality. His hair looks a bit bad in this picture as I can't play on high settings and the custom content waters down on lowers. His hair should be a deep red! 

Other than that, he is in the criminal career and brings the big dosh home. 

Looking for frogs.