Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Conversations over a cup of coffee II : Warframe

Ergo picked up the dirty dishes and loaded them in the dishwasher. A few button presses and the machine turned on with a soft purr.

Conversations over a cup of coffee I : Warframe

“Frohd called for a no confidence vote.”

Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Land of Wisdom : Genshin Impact

Last time I wrote about Genshin was in August... during the summer event. Well, several months have passed, Sumeru is out and the Archon quest has concluded!

I will do a short and sweet retrospective post to put down all my thoughts about the new region.

In short - I loved it! Truly, after the many disappointments of Inazuma, Hoyoverse put on their big boy pants and delivered a one-of-a-kind experience. Spoilers under cut!

Tennotober 2022 : Warframe

Another year, another Tennotober. Decided to make a post with all the drawings I did this year. Bit of a shame I did not do a post for 2021, but then again, I could make a separate post, so what if it's almost the end of 2022!

Covid and Russia's invasion of Ukraine has sort of blended the past three years into one big porridge, so time seems irrelevant. I thought this year was particularly dreary and depressive, but truth be told, this is the first proper post-Covid year so simply I haven't had the opportunity to work-from-home as much, which means I can't procrastinate by drawing while I'm working. Last year was productive work wise exactly because I did not have that much to do at work.

This year I re-started studies in university, so now I have two obligations - work and PhD studies, so that just adds up to my low energy issues. Doesn't mean I didn't get to draw at all! I wasn't particularly productive this Tennotober, but at the same time - last year burnt me out pretty bad. I have barely picked up a pen and paper this year, even though I usually love traditional art. Anyways, less complaining, more Tennotober.