Saturday, January 14, 2012

GE: Master Raven ^owo^

Today I finally mastered my dear Raven baby! uwu Now I can work on experting noobs. O: And getting better armor for Kra... Poor thing can't survive BHs very well. :T

 Possible candidate no.1: REMI! Because I want a combat wizard badly. uwu Gotta wait for telekinesis so I can pimp my regular wizzie Yori too~

Candidate no. 2: ROSY! OAO Because everyone needs a fighter... He's already lvl 108. =v= So he's close to expert. I need stances for him... and weapons. Sob

Candidate no.3: Katy! O: I dunno I kind of like her and I always wanted a dagger user. =w= So what if everyone and their mothers have a Torsche. I just like Cathies, sue me!
Danny vs merman O_o This was funny, since I was too lazy to wait for Mii and Kra to arrive at the scene. =v=

Bought Cattleya for 70mil! Now my dear Helena is pretty. uvu~ 

Also bought this baby. O^O And now I'm trying to sell that blasted +5 serpy. T_T Since I wasted all my cash on this. sobbity. But at least Artie got some mad AR. He even beat Raven.

Danny running away from Angler. Good times in basement.

Fun fact: I only recently realized it's a face not a nondescript pile of boulders. Go me.

These things like to drop from Leticia's. I just spam them right away since I have no other use for them.

You know you're a boss when you tank with a non-promoted veteran.:D Man, cool thing that Gluttie can't hit flying ones. =v= But it's hard to keep Mii alive, blasted squishies!!!

I like drawing their hair, fun fact brought to you by everyone's least favorite person - Artie!
Grasi, bbz, i still lub u man, don't be angry w me

That's it for now! Stay tuned for another volume of action packed GE adventures! /except not really

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