Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Remi and other problems

I think there's a lot to tell, so I shall!
When the new boxes came out,I got myself a tiger pet, since I never got the chance to get a pigling and I really wanted a fast looter! Named him Pipins, 'cuz it's a funny name. :3

But this story's not about the tiger...

So, with a little bit of equipment aid from my dear friend Oli, I went to beat up... Reckless!!! It went real good. :3

Grassi took her one-on-one!

Halfway there...

From a pretty viewpoint. *Q*

Almost there....

And suddenly...

Remiri used bite! It was super effective!

And from that day on Grassi swore revenge...

Here she is. :3 All pretty with the 1day Rose wings I gave to Grassi, ehehehe
Currently at lvl... 31? :D She's tiny. :3c

I also created a female fig so Oliver the Remiri doesn't feel lonely and also because I like collecting stock characters! :3 Named her Bunny.

Remi meets Emi. ovo

Now about a bit about my headcanon. Basically Remi is a hostile/ruthless character just like she has to be, but for some reason she sees Emi as a friend and treats her all nice, though she kind of acts as if Remi owned Emi, she tends to refer to Emi as 'my Emi', but it has nothing to do with some sort of creepy slavery thing. Since Remi has been sleeping in Emily's subconscious for two decades already, she's quite oblivious about the world, Remiri is quite smart, but she has problem understanding human ethics so she... tends to... bring corpses home. Remi likes flesh. A lot. While Bro enjoys legs, Remi will just chomp everything away. Also Remi is both physically and magically strong, just like Herena, so they can be quite the rivaruus! :D
Ok, more will come with time. ovo Let's see what way will Remi develop. Batshit insane murderer or just a derpy demon girl who tends to say 'EHHH?' a lot. :D

And now for something COMPLETELY different... I looked at my blog's statistics and in the page where it shows which pages link back to my blog there was something about keywords... and well... The second keywords baffled me.

There are no words.

Instant edit:

I forgot about one thing I wanted to mention!
So, um, when I try to open GE it just CRASHES. I opened it TWICE and both times it crashed even before getting to the login screen.
I really hope my computer hasn't reached the level of asshatery to be unable to handle the game itself when there is no other program on. -facepalm-
Let's hope it's just a matter of reinstalling.
Right now I don't wanna bother 'cause I need to check my exam speech and correct it.

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