Friday, March 11, 2022

The assistants : Warframe

Scilla Oma: holder of the "key", has been the longest with Nef, she previously served his mother and is known for her loyalty to Anyocorp and the Anyos themselves. Respects and adores both Nef and his mother. Has a disdain for those that "don't know their place", is most distinguished by her knowing smile, in many ways mimics the mannerisms of the Anyos but keeps an elegant and well composed aura.

Cani Mae: also worked for Nef for a very long time, he got his job by simply "neutralizing" his opponents when applying for the position of assistant, being the only candidate left. Talks shit about Nef behind his back but plays nice to his face. Only wants the money and is not particularly loyal to Anyocorp, looks out only for himself and detests putting in any amount of effort. Cani's parents are Perrin, he abandoned his family. Nef knows this and he knows Cani isn't loyal to Perrin too, but still likes to test his loyalty from time to time. Mostly by accosting him during performance evaluations.

Caella Nob: a newbie, mentored by Scilla, gets bullied by Nef as she's not as good at her duties. Her reason for seeking out the job of assistant was to pay off a loan for an apartment. Dutifully counts the years, months, days and hours left until the loan is paid off. Tends to keep a more "neutral" position on Anyocorp in the vain hope that when the apartment is paid off and she can seek more meaningful employment, Nef might write a letter of recommendation. 

No pictures because they are still vague visions in my mind. They all have very modest bodysuits, probably in a Corpus deep blue or something like that. They all keep their hair short. Practical and modest so their boss "pops" in front of them.

Scilla has dark hair, Cani has dark hair but dyes it a dusty blonde, Caella is a brunette. Cani is the tallest and Scilla and Caella are about the same height. They all have average builds. Scilla looks middle aged while Cani and Caella look more like adults in their 30s. Cani is closer to Scilla in age than Caella but steals Nef's aging-retardants to slow down his own biological aging.

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