I was at Oliface's place and I exchanged goldcorn and got an Angler spinelle. Then he rushed to take his Dad's laptop and we together beat it. (We got lucky that it was the REAL Swamp Angler, not some lame bog angler) and -gasp- IT DROPPED A SCORPIO SYMBOL! After a bit of exchanging I was finally able to get ET. :3 I know I'm VERY slow with this, but let a noob, live, k? /shot At least I SOMEHOW saved ~200mil. |Dc (Or is it up to 300mil now? Heaven knows)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
So, I haven't posted in a very long time, now haven't I? Well, I'm kinda unmotivated and the usual things, but it doesn't matter 'cuz nobody really cares. |'D This is boring anyways. I can't produce decent art too, hurrgh. Christmas spirit, where have you gone? Ok, I've never felt the warmth of Christmas in the first place, I'm a sad and pathetic being, boohoo.
Ok, enough crying, let's show some GE stuff.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The holy moment has come
I finally finished the huge collab.
This is an epic collab between me and Oliface/Ritnberns that was drawn when he was at my place. U: The paper is bigger than an A3 page soo only pictures can be taken, but fear not, I took closer shots of each character.
Now I'm gonna show a breakdown of everything.
Friday, December 3, 2010
This girl
Super derpy experimental picture.
I dislike doing lineart traditionally because I always fuck up something, so I wanted to try out coloring without having lineart, only the sketch. True, the graphite pencil smears out a bit, but it looks neat I think. Well, this drawing is derpy and has LOTS of flaws I'm not even going to point out, maybe I'm only going to say that I wanted the glasses to look nice, but of course they kinda ended up like 2 circles smeared up on the face, boohoo. Halfway through the picture I went 'why the hell are her shoulders and arms so uneven... I don't even.' THAT'S HOW MOST OF MY DRAWINGS END, I always notice retarded things too late. Ok, I'll stfu before I find more problems. OTL
Not sure if this was even worthy to show, but whatever. x'D
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Chrysalis, o Chrysalis
It's been a while since I've posted something that actually qualifies as valid for the purpose of this blog, so to make up for it... I'm gonna... post.
I feel better so I can spend more time assembling things and thinking creative. Man, catching up with school will be hell. Anyways.
Let's start with the cult of the chicken. :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Math's notebook
These are the kind of things I scribble in math. |:D As you see it's either 'me' in despair mode or GE characters... or running clocks. Sometimes it's also awkward inside jokes written all over the page. :D (Not pictured here tho, I don't think anyone cares about GRIFIDORS!! and bifidors. |:D )
Nothing too interesting, eyedeekay
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Kickin' over trash cans
Well, I haven't self pwned, in fact, life's going better now. ouo Although I feel kinda SMASHED, I came back from art school an hour ago and it's already 7:30PM OTL And I still have stuff to do for school. Man, I'm hungry and sleepy but OH WELL, Imma spam some crapdrawings I scribbled up today.
I dunno what the hell I wanted to do, some sort of expression faggotry? GRASSI'S HAIR IS IN MOTION, HE IS WHIPPIN' HIS HAIR BACK AND FORTH. -cough- Yeah... Edu is derped up, BUT I AM A LAZY FUCK AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO TAKE CARE OF THAT.
HERENAAA. Lol when I draw a girl it's either her or Cathy, seriously, obsessed much? She's just so fun to draw and I like her and asdfghjkl If this drawing were prettier/more interesting I'd do it digitally. But I don't wanna waste my time on... boring standing pictures.
Grassi with dislocated head and weird mutant iguana. Really random star-nippled Ira.
SUPER AWKWARD HAND DRAWING, I was bored in Geography so it was born, kinda derpy and all, but wtf, I need interesting but not-too-difficult angles to draw hands in. OnO
And lol random mouths/noses/eyes NO IDEA WHY I DRAW THEM, it's not like there's any use in 'practicing' since it's a very... variable thing.
And a sad little bro who got his cakeys confiscated.
This is all the ugly I can show. ono I THINK.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Don't worry Doon, you're not the only one who tends to question his level of sanity and maturity.
lazy drawing is lazy, so I'm sorry Doon is all... plain. OTL;;;
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Gracielo vs The World III
The third and final installment of the MMA quest series. Not exactly the third try, but the third DOCUMENTED try.
First of all - big BIG thanks to my lovely boo-boo for lending armor. >
Anyways, I'm sure you want to hear this story...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fist pumping
That is not how you wear a gaiter.
Anyways, this story isn't about gaiters, It's about a fun activity I did a few days ago.
Naked boss fights.
What's that? To put it shortly - It's taking expert/master characters to low zones, finding the zone boss, TAKING AWAY ARMOR AND WEAPONS and...
Going bareknuckle on their ass. B)
Here is the story of the day:
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Gracielo memuāri - mASStera dzīve
That time of the year has come again... A certain hero has reached a new level of awesome. Yes, my dear friends, this is the story of how my life got flipped upside down an---
Ptfoo, wrong song and story.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Dark Fairy
A stupid experimental drawing I made out of sheer boredom.
His head is too big, but oh well. =w=; I just fail that much.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
So silly~
I was on an artistic roll today so I decided to draw Angie. .-. It was fun, I like her alternative costume hnngh (Only sad she doesn't have those epic gloves, lol) that's why I compensated with plasters and band-aids, I mean, she works with all those constructs, there's no way she can keep her nails pretty and her body scarless, fff. The more practical, the more prone you are to injuries.
I also hope I got the skintone right, ugh, had to make it tan, but not too derpy. xD; Oh well, all that matters is that I tried.
Stupid SAI why you bitch on me, I just HAD to notice a small fault which needed to be fixed so you could just FREEZE all the time. -shakes fist-
Boring picture is boring.
ANYWAYS, GO TERRORIZE OLD LADIES, ERRR, I MEAN, GO TRICK OR TREATING AND MAKE ME PROUD! Since I can't do that. :c Old ladies here punch us in the face because we celebrate foreigner celebrations. /sawb sawb
Friday, October 29, 2010
TODAY, THE BIG CITIES (excpet Rebo, to protect fresh nubs) WERE ASSAULTED BY ZOMBIES! I suppose Edudu slacked off and let the doors open, silly Edu, zombies don't go out of LOD. Anyways... OUT HERO TEAM JUST HAD TO INVESTIGATE, much to Grassi's dismay.
But not for food. Yeah, me an Oliface were hungering for RAIDS. Sadly, Gerero wasn't there, Elmorc n Dreamblade were away too, we're too friendless -shot- to do Arsene so all we could do was... DUN DUN DUNNN....
That's right, we felt hardcore and took lvl 80 mofos. HERE IS HOW IT WENT.
A new bro...
Well, we all know that Grassi n Ira are real bros. Always stuck together since god know when. (No matter how much Grassi dislikes that Ira drives all the ladies away, YOU AIN'T GETTING LAID ANYWAYS! BETTER GO FOR THE RAINBOW SIDE! /shot infinitely)
-cough- Anyways. It is a fact that the 'stuck together' is only half true. Since Grassi is busy on his way to Master-level-ness, Ira has to have fun on his own. (No, right hand won't help, cough)
So... Ira went on a journey to find a new BFF! And he certainly found one...!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's cold
Completely redrew her lower body because it KEPT ANNOYING ME. -shakes fist-
So here, be happy folks. -rushes off to beat Edu with a sausage since he dies like a bitch-
EDIT v2:
Redrew one arm and fattened the other. -w-;; That left arm just stinks, redrew it 10 times and still am not pleased. >:C So here have another reject:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Show me your genitals
Quick screenshot dump xD; Felt the need to do it. Will work on character stories later, since I need fullbody screens, kekekeke.
Cathy is an expert of crafting Mias.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Whoo pe doo
Finally finished that goddamned Banner. I:< Now stare at Cathy!
Should make some sort of family-iconage on the sidebar, but you guys know that I'm the laziest person in the world so that will take a while B3 /short message is short
NO PICS FOR U, even though I'm fighting my art-block with some drawin' I just linearted
Should make some sort of family-iconage on the sidebar, but you guys know that I'm the laziest person in the world so that will take a while B3 /short message is short
NO PICS FOR U, even though I'm fighting my art-block with some drawin' I just linearted
Friday, October 8, 2010
No visa pa diviem, lūdzu
It's been a LONG while since I wrote or drew/screened anything. ene;;; That's why I'm making up for it by making several posts with stuff. This first post will be a mish mash of everything. |3c No idea about chronology. OTL;;
Let's start with a hero pose!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Grassi and Bro are quite a duo. Showing immense 'bromance' and power, they are quite good dungeon travelers....
Or are they?
Let's test it out.....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Pāķi uzdarbojas
Well, it's been a long, long week. School is kicking my ass so I'm unmotivated to do lots of things, I also don't even have TIME for them. |D;; Anyways... Of course there are still lots of happenings so I feel like I should document them.
I vetted 2 characters - Mysteria (my ele) and of course, Bro.
If I didn't have artists block I could artistically depict the wonderful moment of veterinar-ination, buuuut.... you know what I'm getting at. Anyways! Picture and story time!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
This day was kind of good. c: I did a lot, it was fun~ School was a-ok too.
See? That's how you recognize a Hapkido user. Also, Grassy, you better not touch those Baeks, they don't know you and they will pwn your nub ass if your hormones will overtake your brain!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Gracielo memuāri - (S)experta dzīve
Last day of holidays, this means I HAD TO DO SOMETHING!
The morning starts calm, with a bit of Spino smashing!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Evil Bro and the Bad Touch Trio
We all know that Evil little Brother Baek (or is it Byakko now?) is a little stray kitten, searching for a home where he will be loved and taken care of. uwu
Chased by Sister Cathy and strings of unlucky events, he was restless.
But one day, when Edudu was shifting through the history of Gracielo's waifus (I don't know anymore), he found something interesting...
The Bad Touch Trio.
Of course, by using magic (read: making fake letters from both sides) Edudu lured in both Mii and Bro into one room.
For some reason Yori was there to record buttsexin. Which never happened much to Yori's dismay.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The book of Desperado I - Devil's Whisper I
Omggg, es kā daunis izmēģināju lēnām sākt kaut kādu murgainu personisko literāro (wtff) projektu. ToT;;; Tā kā man patīk rakstīt, kaut arī, saprotams, ka rakstu 14 gadīgda nūģa līmenī es atļaušos sevi un citus mocīt ar saviem savārstījumiem.
Es, būdams muļķis, neesmu sastādijis manuskriptu vai pat ĪSTU IDEJU, tāpēc šis dižais ~*~PROJEKTS~*~ būs vairāk kā muļķīgs raktisks eksperiments cik ilgi es varu noturēties un runāt par lietu.
Man ir arkārtīgi aptuveni uzmetumi, ko es gribu parādīt katrā nodaļā vai DAĻĀ. Vienīga neinteresantā lieta, ka katra DAĻA ir no citas ģimenes locekļu skatupunkta, nē ne jau tas pats stāsts no cita cilvēka acīm. (Neesmu es nekāda Smeijere) Bet kaut kas līdzīgs katras ģimenes noslēpumu, un nožēlu, un grēku, un velns zin kā atšketināšanas. Saprotams? Droši vien ka nē. xD
Es pat nezinu kas šie teksti varētu būt žanriski, es plānoju kaut ko OMG NOPIETNU un dziļdomīgu, bet tādi savārstījumi tik sanāks. u__u;; Cerams manas šausmas būs puslīdz lasāmas, nu tad, sākam.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Right from the game
Izdomāju pamētāt kruto un salikt te pāris screens, pārsvara old stuff, personal experience AND SO ON, I`m not too cool with this shit. QnQ
The people of Granado Espada are always helpful.

And they have many things to offer.
Logic at it's finest.

Caly likes 'em small and young. :D

BUT, Wtf man. Leo u mad. Y u hump Caly?
DAT OCTOPUS, NAUGHTY LITTLE BITCH. Shorty doesn't approve.
Claire's behind ur Ira, being a ninja.
Eee, sarkangalvite. Nothing too interesting, but hur.
Oh Edu, u so short. uwu
I hope these will be normally sized. I:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Handling situations
Kāds dabūjis maizi.
Kādam nav maize. :C Also most hardcore person-covering-in-blanket drawing ever.
Es tač teicu, ka šis ir jāiemūžina. :D

WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN. (Dunno what is this from, found in some 'You laugh, you lose' thread on 4chan)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Specvieniba XXX
Seksmeni ir pelnījuši atziņu. :C Man īsti nav vēlmes neko dižu darīt, so Imma spam MS paint doodles.
Edu u fat
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