Sunday, December 30, 2012

MISC: second chance

i kinda dissed blogger 'cuz i'm a hipster and i want a ~*~pretty~*~ blog and BLOGGER TEMPLATES ARE SO STUPID AND UNPOPULAR GOSH
i am thinking
that when the transfer happens
i will use this blog again
tumblr is good for fast spams /that's what i'll be using it for still
but this beautiful blog will be for long posts and stories n crap
i'll try to make it interesting
if school won't drive me into manic depression that is
Everyone, Happy New year! I hope that 2013 will be better than 2012 :') 2012 was a sucky year

- your faithful king Artie

Saturday, June 23, 2012

GE: Shenanigans in Moreza

So bored that I take random characters and go partying on my own. It all started with me needing a screen of Ralph...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

GE: Summer slumber

I got really bored once and took the least suspicious team. However my patience lasted for 5 minutes maximum, then I just blew the buildings away and logged out.

Sisterhood of the pants! Except Cathy has a dress.

Bribs was kind to me today and gave me this, now my whole team has earrings. ^o^/ now I need only one belt.


Emi looks pretty with an earring. 

Bought Capitaine costume for 25mil /or was it 20? I don't remember
Anyways I really want the hair... plus regular glasses, then Victor will turn into the perfect evil nerd brother. :D

Oli suggested we go do Arsene's vault. so we did.
Taking two eles wasn't half bad. Tenseness spam helps a LOT

Well, but I still got swarmed.

That's about it, I guess I'll go on an semi-eternal slumber until 10.?? comes out =A=/ I need so many things from the upcoming patches it's not even funny. My 'pistol fund' isn't increasing so meh. Maybe one day I'll get a 32AR pistol ^o^/ /noob

Artie out.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

GE: Man eating skull

I soloed Castilla up to this boss one day. :I The fact that I got past Basilisk is a bloody miracle. I felt so proud of myself, of my ele. :D Gurl you rock. Actually I was proud about Raven too because he was strong too, took less damage from magic dealers than usually. Good Kra. /pets him

Borrowed my dad's external HD and moving many files overwhelmed my computer so I took Lil Cathy out and posed with her a bit. herpa derp :D I will expert her and then all my Cathies will be expert. >:3 It's ironic how I first experted the newest Cathy, aka Katy Torsche, and my first Cathy is still lvl 101. 
That said here is my latest Expert - Sister Cathy. Now I have 3 Experts that need awakening scrolls, but that'll wait. Caly can get it some day, Katy doesn't really need it and well Sis... She can wait too.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

GE: Dancing Ele

This was one of the first things that greeted me on Rembrandt so I must post it first. Lio pedoing on Ludin. Stay classy, stay classy

-But emi I'm hu-

Sometimes Emi loses it and then she becomes all angry. :3c;

Dialogue comparison - top is sGE, bottom is Sord
Graci sounds like a cock on Sord LOL at least he's giving Ira a second chance in sGe...

Man but Gracielo is the most precious baby ever /random nostalgic feels /No matter how many old papas enter my life GRASI STAYS FOR LIFE

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

GE: Long time no see

I haven't posted in a long time so I'm gonna spam some pictures and text... I feel more comfortable writing long stories in blogger. 9_9/ I can almost voidpost

I got my musk a bayo (cheap, +5) and Flintlock so yeah, another char made slightly more useful

I am happy with him because he looks cool and is pretty strong... He'd prolly kick major ass with a good +7 serpy ;w;w;w;w; And soon US gonna come out, WHAT THEN? WHAT THEN?

It was hilarious how Raven brutally mauled a tiny fordoi... critical skilled, sigh, Raven, my baby. unu You need better stuff too.....

Once I had to battle invisible bribantra... it was weird

It's such a simple event but so frustrating... I hate dying from Blood Saber arghhh stupid glitched mobs :( But at least Cruz gives some nice rewards... sometimes... Quietly hoping for exp scrolls

I got worried that the uglybow got lost SOMEWHERE (tā ir ka liek Kalijai un Ralfam to dalīt kā čigāniem pa apli), then I flipped the view and got greeted with this. Poor Caly got the  uglybow jammed in her back.

Monday, April 30, 2012

GE: Wallace Sword

I couldn't handle the pressure and got Grace her shotgun stance. QwQ;;; Haha but now I'm finally saving up to clear my dept. |:3; After that I'll buy exp scrolls... and a crossbow.
Anyways, Gemini cost me only 45mil which is very little considering the fact that when I bought Duel Blaster for Artie Gemini had cost me 150mil |: Oh how times change /Nothing beats 400mil Pisces tho

Yesterday I veteran'd dum Ralph P:
I like the way the crossbowers run, I can't quite put my finger to it but there's something.... SOMETHING about the way they run that I just enjoy /I know I get feelings over the weirdest things
Also it's that you can sync any music to their rushin' so yep

Dios dropped this today... And I noticed some resemblance trololo
My Ralph must be proud that some ghetto unique shares his secondary name lol

Your Ralph just isn't enough?!?!? Now you have to go after Artie too!? Poor boy Artie. :CCC
/Ironically Ralph and Raven yet have to stand next to each other in Barracks/a team. THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT EACH OTHER'S EXISTENCE /Here I go again with my stupid talk woops

I realized that instead of making poor Artie kill little phobis it's way easier to ignore big, fat Phobitan and make both Raven & Artie kill the minions :| Goes faster and with less casualties, except when I lag then only Danny stays alive

Bought 'granny costume' (as Oli calls it) for Tobi 9_9 It's pretty... He's pretty... only never smiles, he's like Raven, whenever he poses he makes sad faces or O: faces. It's funny. 

Rushin!!! I'm tempted to draw Tobi in this getup. It'll prolly look even gayer than what I made for him now |:3
But who knows~

On a completely unrelated note I had fishtfingers today and they're so darn tasty D''':

That's it for today :3 Artie out

Sunday, April 29, 2012

GE: Little big Fordoi

Once there were a lot of little Fordois in basement. They had 67 AR/DR and I thought 'hey they can't be too strong right?' I was so very wrong. Good thing I had already collected cards before I selfpwnd. :D

Artie zombie running :| Sometimes Occulta BH is just cruel and my combat chars die. =_= Made the mistake of running thru half the dungeon to res Raven but that squishy daddy kept dying instantly as he rose up so nop, rather reach end and SC shooters. |:3

Got this from roulette x'D I guess I might keep it :3; I don't need GS that much but hey! Any weapon is a  good weapon. I remember back in the time when I had just reached Kurt/Eduardo quests I thought the baron weapons were the coolest. I had a list of weapons I wanted to craft lol. Beam gun was my dream pistol :3c aw.... noob times

That said my family level became bigger. =v= Lvld hipster daddy Ralph to... er.. lvl 88? or so, I already forgot. |:3 I also keep forgetting to add his 'article' to the hero page but I made a very tsundere picture yesterday so I can rush and do some writing huuhuh

That's about it. A short post!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

GE: Ralph GET

Was fooling around with screenies in Memoria and some Lloyd shots came out pretty sweet. :3 Haha I like that... 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

GE: Undead pistol + Expert Grace

One day me and Oli made a magic circle in Lago Celeste. 9u9 Sadly Sis Cathy can't be tamed so she ruined the circle. >:CCC

Got this pistol from a BH roulette then enhcanted it with these stats! First racial weapon and it's some crappy e92! Oh well, I'll upgrade it and my musky will probably have his second weapon huhuuhu~ Better than nothing!!!

Got this once while exchanging gold relics. 9_9 Well, it's a crappy symbol but it's a SYMBOL. That is some luck. At least this thing drops me symbols unlike bosses and Rafflesia. I hate Rafflesia.

I'm doing CMines every day 3 times to get chips. 9u9 Mostly it pays off!
Sometimes I make a huge mess.

I experted my Grace, which adds to my bunch of stanceless experts hahaha
But I think I wanna get her both SB and Flint, which means I need a bayo. I might craft a serpy some day.
We'll see. Sadly I'm still 'saving up' ashfjahka stupid stupid >:ccc

Monday, April 9, 2012

GE: Valleria GET

First of all - the hardships I face when making entries 9w9;
I always expect lots of screens from my folder and then there's just... nothing. Or Ralphs.

But this time I have THREE screenshots!!! Better than nothing, so says the moral of the comic. 9w9 /what

Once I got this from a raid. 9w9 And then with a few chips it got +2DR, I guess that means Rosy has a nice shield now. One day he gonna get blunts, javelins, etc etc..... But he's on hold like most of my experts. /o/

Looks like a Cathy exploded. OAO

While I was at Oli's place I decided to go after Val. 9w9 And I did it on the second try! It was tough and my SCs went from 20+ to THREE! Artie was the ultimate tank, my ele kept being blasted away woops. Haha but at least now I have an elf princess. 9w9
Called her Tobias. Gonna add her (HIS???) story now. ouo

That's about it now. =w= Overall I'm just collecting vis ingame. I really hope it won't go in vain. unu; Sigh

Thursday, March 29, 2012

GE: Clash of the stalkers

Well I guess it's appropriate to make a post now. =A=; I always keep forgetting about checking my screenshot folder for possible submitting material.
Once I tried camping Dios (managed to catch him a whole day once!) and then at one point I got a red ticket so I went to search for the secret room and found this funnyguy. Ouo;

I guess THIS is why the mobs are 'x of chaos'.
Usually we lure Deca and it's ok but THIS was the most CHAOTIC raid ever. Stupid minions.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

GE+Art: Attack of the little girl

 I experted my Hellena and Oli was all "LET'S DO ARSENE'S SECRET VAULT" to which I answered "Get me an exp scroll and then we'll talk" I wasn't entirely serious, but I guess either Oli is very nice or just knew that I'd start moaning like a whale anyways and he gave me one! So I awakened Hellie. Then Oli lent me some good robe so she doesn't die and we went to the vault. The only tough part was the swarm of honors - that's when we realized we need a magic dealer. A poor expert stance-less Helena won't do the trick. :D Need insta-casters 'cuz those honors skill like MAD.
 So I had collected like 600mil ,waiting for a great opportunity. One day I saw this baby for 230 mil - it had the DR but it was +0. I thought 'to hell with it!' and bought it. Then I wasted money for 30UAs + +5 veteran lacquer - And got it to +6 with first try! So lucky. ;w; Raven now doesn't die that much anymore! I'm so happy for him. uwu
I also crafted a Black Bishop, which is +4 atm but with some useable stats, I'm gonna craft a golden fist but I need 800 shinies for DH. Oh well, at least I'm moving!